React training


Top-Level Content

  • JavaScript – Basics and In-depth
  • React – Basics and In-depth
  • Node – Basics
  • React with Node


  • Basics of JavaScript.
  • JavaScript in depth.
    • Creating classes
    • Creating private/public/global fields
    • Creating private/public/global functions
    • Dynamic rendering with JavaScript
    • Events


  • Introduction to React
  • Original DOM vs Virtual DOM
  • React Components
  • React Components with JSX
  • React Components with ES6
  • Props and state


  • Basics of Node and Installation.
  • Introduction to Npm
  • Adding and removing modules

React with Node

  • Creating an application using Create React App.
  • Life Cycle
  • Debugging
  • Default values
  • SetState in depth
  • Creating Forms
  • Creating Table
  • Handling Events
  • Applying Filters
  • JSX in depth
  • Validations
  • Applying Styles
  • Backend calls
  • Stateful Components
  • Stateless Components
  • Local Storage
  • Routing
    • Basic Routing and Passing Params
    • Hyperlinks
  • Master Pages
  • Reconciliation
  • Creating Reusable Components
  • React.Component vs React.pure Component
  • Composition vs Inheritance
  • Code Reusability and Optimization
  • Fragments
  • Bundling
  • Deploying

Integration of 3rd party Modules

  • Google Maps
  • Bootstrap Controls
  • Material UI
  • Toast Messages for notifications


  • Other Debugging Options
  • Developer Tools
  • Current Applications developed in React
  • Future of React.
  • Introduction to Starter Kits
  • Integration with other libraries


Tags: React