SAP HCM training



1.Introduction to ERP and SAP

a.       History of SAP

b.       ERP Need and Advantages

c.        Overview of Centralized and Decentralized System

d.       Organizational structure in HR

e.        Technology

f.        Implementation Tools (Asap and Solution Manager)

g.        System Landscape in 3 Tier Architecture

h.       Roles and Responsibilities of a Consultant

i.         Types of Projects

j.         Change Transport System

k.       Gap Analysis

l.         Versions

m.     Architecture in SAP HRM

n.       Create Folders, Transaction codes

o.       Adding to Favorites

p.       Creating Users and Roles


2.Organizational Management in HR

a.       Organizational Management Introduction

b.       Structure in SAP HCM

c.        Objects

d.       Relationships

e.        Structure of Relationships

f.        Syntax of Relationship

g.        Methods of Creating Org. Structure (Org.Units, Job, Position)

h.       Simple Maintenance


3. Expert Mode

a.       Organizational and Staffing

b.       Editing of Objects and Relationships

c.        Validity Period

d.       Info type in OM

e.        Plan version Definition and setting of New plan Versions

f.        Custom Objects Number Ranges

g.        Features in OM

h.       Evaluation Paths

i.         Integration Switches

j.         Integration Reports betweenOrganizationalManagement to Personnel Management OM to PA/PD

k.       Reports in OM



4.Personnel Administration:

a.       Structure in SAP HCM

b.       Master Data Definition and its use in SAP HCM

c.        Enterprise structure- Definition and Assignment

d.       Company, Company Code

e.        Personnel Area, Personnel Sub Area

f.        Personnel structure Definition and Assignment

g.        Employee Group

h.       Employee Subgroup

i.         Payroll Area and Control Record (with Retroactive Accounting Period)

j.         Employee Attributes


5.Info types and Sub types

a.       Features in SAP HCM importance and various feature configurations according to requirement

b.       Number Ranges for Employee personnel numbers-internal & External with Feature Setup

c.        Customizing User Procedures:

d.       Configuration of Personnel actions Info group Action Menu

e.        Hiring, Promotion, Transfer, Organizational Re- assignment, Termination

f.        Info type Menus

g.        Customizing User Interfaces:

h.       Info type screen modifications

i.         Administrator group & defaulting through feature

j.         Date Specifications with Feature

k.       Organizational key with feature

l.         Discussion on business requirement in OM and PA modules in Combine for easy understanding of Real time Business Scenario.

m.     PA Reports


6. Recruitment

a.       Set up integration with other components

b.       Create number ranges for applicant numbers

c.        Choose number ranges

d.       Workforce Requirements and Advertising

e.        Create positions

f.        Create media

g.        Create recruitment instruments

h.       Create addresses for recruitment instruments

i.         Applicant Administration

j.         Create personnel officer

k.       Applicant Structure

l.         Create applicant groups

m.     Create applicant ranges

n.       Create unsolicited application groups

o.       Short Profile

p.       Create standard text, Assign standard text

q.       Applicant Selection

r.         Change status texts, Create status reasons

s.        Set permissible status reasons for each applicant status

t.         Create priorities for vacancy assignment

u.       PB10 - Initial data entry

v.        Maintain - Vacancy PBAY


7.Enterprise Compensation management and Compensation management

a.       Activate Enterprise Compensation Management

b.       Define Stock Units

c.        Define Stock Unit Conversion Rules

d.       Define Reference Currency for Budgeting

e.        Define Budget Types, Define Budget Periods

f.        Set Budget Control Parameters




8.Compensation Areas and feature

a.       Compensation Plans and Reviews

b.       Define Eligibility Rule Variants

c.        Define Eligibility Grouping Feature

d.       Define Guideline Variants

e.        Define Guideline Groupings

f.        Plan Attributes

g.        Define First Compensation Program Groupings

h.       Define First Compensation Program Grouping Feature

i.         Define Second Compensation Program Groupings     

j.         Define Second Compensation Program Grouping Feature

k.       Long-Term Incentive Plans

l.         Compensation Statements


10. Benefits

a.       Define Benefit Area

b.       Assign Currency to Benefit Area

c.        Define Benefit Providers

d.       Set Current Benefit Area

e.        Define Flexible Benefits Scheme Attribute (FLEX)

f.        Define Benefit Plan Types

g.        Define Flexible Benefits Miscellaneous Plan Type Indicators (FLEX)

h.       Assign Plan Type Attributes for Flexible Benefits (FLEX)

i.         Define Benefit Plan Status

j.         Define Employee Groupings, Define Employee Criteria Groups

k.       Define Cost Groupings, Define Credit Groupings

l.         Define Coverage Groupings, Define Employee Contribution Groupings

m.     Define Employer Contribution Groupings

n.       Health Plans. Insurance Plans, Savings Plans, Stock Purchase Plans

o.       Credit Plans, Holiday Plans (FLEX) Claims

p.       Flexible Administration, Define Administrative Parameters

q.       Prerequisites and Corequisites, Benefits Adjustment Reasons

r.         Define First Program Grouping, Define Second Program Grouping




11.Time Management

a.       Introduction to time management time management process in HR

b.       Domain HR and SAP HR time management differentiation a discussion

c.        Positive and Negative Time Recording with Business Process Discussion

d.       Public Holidays configuration of different types of Holidays

e.        Holiday Calendar with Business scenarios Applicability with Enterprise Structure

f.        Factory Calendar in HR Perspective

g.        Grouping Personnel Sub Area &Employee Sub Group Grouping in Time Management

h.       Work Schedules

i.         Break Schedule

j.         Daily work Schedules (with Variants-with Business Scenarios)

k.       Period work schedules

l.         Day types and Day type selection rules

m.     ESG, Holiday calendar assignment for PSA


12.Work Schedule Rules

a.       Introduction to Absences and Attendance

b.       Absences quotas Configuration

c.        Counting Rules for Absences/Attendances

d.       Deduction Rules

e.        Assignments of different rules in Absences/Attendances.

f.        TMSTA, SCHKZ, WWEEK, WRKHR and QUOMO Features

g.        Time Management Info type

h.       Quota Updates:

i.         Manual (PA30)

j.         Through Report RPTQTAOO

k.       Negative Time Recording Understanding of different Time Evaluation Schemas Used.

l.         How to use Negative time Evaluation in the Organizations with different business scenarios.

m.      Configured various PCR’s for different requirements.


13. Payroll

a.       Introduction to payroll- HR domain process and SAP HCM Process-discussion on understanding the same

b.       Payroll area and Control Record (with Retroactive Accounting)

c.        Generation of payroll periods- period and date modifiers (with different country fiscal year settings) Relevancy of this Time management

d.       Payment date setup and modifications

e.        ESG for CAP and PCR

f.        Pay scale structure

g.        Pay scale Area ,Pay scale type, Pay scale Group, Pay scale level

h.       Wage Types- concept, types & use of wage types


14.Wage Type Structure

a.       Primary wage types/Standard/Master Wage Types

b.       Secondary Wage types/Technical wage types

c.        Custom Wage Types

d.       Features used in payroll Wage types characteristics

e.        Valuation of wage type (INVAL) --> Direct, Indirect

f.        Wage type model and defaulting of WT model

g.        Configuration of basic pay info type

h.       Configuration of Recurring Payments and Deductions info type

i.         Configuration of Additional Payments info type



15.Indian And International Payrolls

a.       Configuration of INDIA specific payroll settings

b.       Concepts of Allowance grouping for INDIA (RAP’s)

c.        Concepts of Basic salary for India

d.       Overview pf Allowances of salary.

e.        Perquisites of salary

f.        Retrenchments and Holiday leaves


16.Statutory configuration on TAX, PF, ESI, Professional TAX

a.       Statutory configuration on exemptions, HRA, Car & Conveyance etc.,

b.      Maintain Income tax Slab Codes

c.       Understanding of Processing Class, Cumulation Class and Evaluation Class

d.      Understanding of Factoring concept with Business scenarios.

e.       Understanding of Indian Payroll driver, payroll schema & India specific Payroll functions in SAP HCM

f.       India specific reports and subsequent payroll activities.

g.       Checking of payroll results

h.      Understanding and customizing the Remunerations statement (HR Form editor)

i.        Subsequent payroll activities:

j.        Configuration of Country Specific Info types 0580 to 0590.

k.      Payroll processing in SAP system

l.        Payroll driver- For US &India. (with Reference to other countries too)

m.    Off-Cycle payroll activities (0267)

n.      Integration with Time and Payroll Modules

o.      Hr with Fi Integration






17.Employee Self Service& Management Self Service (ESS & MSS)


a.       Overview of ERP and Role of ESS in SAP ERP

b.       Introduction - ESS and MSS, Portal functionality

c.        Components of ESS


18. Training and Event Management

a.       Difference: SAP Learning Solution - Training and Event Management

b.       Plan Version Maintenance, Number Range Maintenance

c.        Specify Attendance Types

d.       Define Incompatible Attendance and Absence Types

e.        Business Event Preparation

f.        Define Cost Items, Define Time Schedule

g.        Create Building Address,

h.       Location, Organizers

i.         Create Business Event Group

j.         Create Business Event Type

k.       Resource Management,

l.         Control Elements, Create Resource Type

m.     Day-to-Day Activities,

n.       Recurring Activities

19.Integration HR with FI

a.       Define symbolic accounts.

b.       Defining wages types.

c.        Mapping wages types to symbolic Accounts.

d.       Mapping symbolic accounts to G/L.

e.        Payroll posting with amount changes


20.SAP Real time Concepts

a.       ASAP Methodology/Roadmap

b.      Overview of Remedy/Radix Tool

c.       Issue /Ticket Tracking system

d.      Data Migration (Bapi, Idoc,)

e.       LSMW

f.       Transport creation

g.       HRTables

h.      Payroll Generation

